Payment Calculator
Use our payment calculator* to figure out the price and financing that's right for you. Enter in the figures below to estimate your monthly payments.
**International Payment Calculator is provided for estimation purposes only and is provided "As Is" without warranty or condition of any kind. Use of our Payment Calculator is not an offer or extension of credit; an approval or commitment to finance or guarantee of any financial outcome or result. Estimated payments are based on the specific variables you have selected, and such estimated payments may change if such specific variables change. Navistar make no warranty, representation or guarantee about the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness and accuracy of the information received from using our Payment Calculator. Terms and rates are subject to change. Your privacy is important to us; your information will not be shared.
*Payment calculator provided by International, not by Navistar Capital, a BMO Financial Group program or BMO Harris Bank N.A